Monday, May 31, 2010

Great tip for Windows users – Uninstall Programs from Command Line

It has happened to most of the Windows Administrators before: We go to uninstall a program, on Windows Server, and when we open “Add/Remove Programs” it just sits there loading forever, while you are waiting to try to move on to the next thing. One great way to get around this problem and be able to get back to your day job is to just go command line with the Windows Instrumentation command-line interface (WMIC). It’s much faster than using the dreaded “Add/Remove” programs and lets us get some bragging rights when we talk to our UNIX/LINUX friends.

Below is some information on how to use WMIC.

- Open the command prompt.

- Input WMIC and press Enter. You should see something like wmic:root\cli>

- Type in the following command and press enter: product get name

- To uninstall a program type: product where name=”Your program name” call uninstall

- When you are prompted type y to confirm the uninstall and press Enter

That’s it! Pretty simple.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mastering the art of indexing

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: This is a good presentation on Indexing and how it relates to INNODB.

Transfer PuTTY settings between computers

Putty stores its settings in the Windows registry. To save a backup of your Putty settings, you'll need to export this registry key to a file.


From the Start->Run Dialog enter the following.

regedit /e "%userprofile%\desktop\putty.reg" HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Simontatham

The above command will place a copy of the backup on your desktop.